North Carolina Elections Part 2

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NC Commissioner of Insurance

Mike Causey (R)-  Supports helping reform an antiquated bureaucracy that kills free enterprise and rewards bad drivers at the expense of good drivers,  opposing rate hikes on homeowner’s insurance and car insurance, cracked down on insurance fraud, opposed efforts to impose more government mandates and control over your healthcare insurance, has supported efforts to pass Association Health Plans, double the number of fraud and abuse investigators in the Department of Insurance ( 20 to 40), cleared a backlog of more than 500 fire department inspections.

Wayne Goodwin (D)  Ordered an insurance company to return $156 Million directly to 215,000 Tar Heel families, Achieved the lowest average automobile insurance premiums in the country, Assessed the largest fine in NC history against an insurance company that had inadvertently harmed many thousands of consumers, greater access to affordable health insurancepreserving coverage for pre-existing conditions, and seeking upgrades to the Affordable Care Act, Supporting Medicaid Expansion, which will provide health insurance for 600,000 North Carolinians, fighting insurance fraud, enhanced consumer protection. Resuming diversity and inclusion, HBCU outreach, anti-discrimination, and related employment initiatives and goals at NCDOI so our Department of Insurance once again reflects North Carolina’s  people.

NC Commissioner of Labor

Josh Dobson (R) Continue to advocate for expanding Medicaid to cover individuals who are not covered by Medicaid but also aren’t eligible for premium subsidies from private health insurance practices, making sure Environmental Protection Agency-approved cleaning chemicals are used, encouraging workers to report safety concerns and making sure social distancing is implemented.

Jessica Holmes (D) Youngest commissioner ever elected in Wake County’s history, supports increasing access to early childhood development programs, advocating for increased education funding across North Carolina and development of career and technical programs in high schools, and leading a campaign to provide capital funding for our state’s largest community college system, Wake Technical Community College, implementation of a paid parental leave policy, a fair chance hiring ordinance, and supporting a living wage policy for county employees and all school personnel, direct support to thousands of children across North Carolina in need of assistance from hurricane relief, additional early childhood development opportunities for low-income children.

NC Secretary of State

E.C Sykes (R) Born in Durham. passionately supports conservative principles, such as limited government, sanctity of life and religious liberty. He is a strong supporter of pro-life and pregnancy resource groups who compassionately provide for women and their babies, In 2015, seeing Sen. Ted Cruz as a leader, conservative Constitutionalist, and defender of religious liberty who he believed could create a better America, E.C. volunteered full-time for Cruz’s presidential campaign and eventually became the Executive Director of Faith and Religious Liberty, worked as a Group President and Executive Officer for a $25B Fortune 500 company

Elaine Marshall (D) Secretary since 1996, working for increased Broadband internet throughout our state, investing in cyber security protection for small business, more information about existing companies.  A simple question about a company’s federal Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) would be helpful.  Or whether or not the business has a certain state designation, e.g., woman or minority owned, would be helpful

NC Superintendent of Public Instruction

Catherine Truitt (R)- Make certain there is a highly qualified teacher in every classroom, Grant local teachers, principals, and superintendents the flexibility necessary to make the decisions they need to ensure their students succeed, Recommend research-based early literacy strategies to ensure all students have what they need to learn to read, Collaborate with experts to solve our statewide challenge around equitable funding for public schools

Jen Mangrum (D)- Interesting story, mother suffered a heart attack before work and died in young Jen’s arms,  After Tom left with Sheila in the ambulance, Jen walked to school. She believed that somehow, her teachers would make everything “okay.” advocacy for teachers, students, and families, promotes and encourages teacher leadership in STEM in elementary classrooms, especially elementary classrooms affected by poverty

NC Treasurer

Ronnie Chatterji (D)  Invest responsibly in companies that expand employment opportunities across our state, fight to protect our environment and increase equity, access to financial services for all North Carolinians, of health care in North Carolina,  advised President Obama as a senior economist in the White House Council of Economic Advisers. His policy work led to tax cuts for small businesses and job creation,  modernize and improve the North Carolina Retirement Systems,  treatments for gender dysphoria should be covered under the State Health Plan. If elected, would be the first Asian-American individual elected statewide in the history of North Carolina.

Dale R. Fowell (R) Treasurer since 2017.  Responsible for a $100 billion state pension fund that provides retirement benefits for more than 900,000 teachers, law enforcement officers and other public workers, 2018 the state’s coveted AAA bond rating was reaffirmed by every major rating agency, making North Carolina one of only 13 states in the country to hold that distinction, conservative who consistently finds conservative and common sense solutions, cutting Wall Street fees paid by NC taxpayers for a projected savings of $368  million, freezing State Health Plan family premiums for the last three years, establish the Unfunded Liability Solvency Reserve, a fund that will help address the state’s $50 billion in unfunded pension and health care liabilities, raising awareness about the lack of transparency in the health care system, saving the State Health Plan $35 million by increasing membership in United Healthcare Medicare Advantage Plans

NC Supreme Court Chief Justice Seat 1

Cheri Beasley (D) 20 years experience, first African-American woman in the North Carolina Supreme Court’s 200-year history to serve as Chief Justice, supports using technology to modernize the court system, Increasing access to recovery courts that help people get treatment when they need help, bringing together faith leaders and the legal community to bring legal services into communities, Establishing a paid parental leave policy that allows employees eight weeks of leave

Paul Newby (R) 16 years experience, develop ways to address the increasing backlog of cases in each district, the judicial branch needs to receive input from all community stakeholders to address concerns about fairness and work with the individuals who comprise the justice system to insure that everyone is treated the same, directed an undercover sting operation which recovered NC’s stolen original copy of the Bill of Rights (Is this dude James Bond?) Refuses to speak on BLM or Coronavirus.

This is a sample ballot from a local Durham PAC, The People’s Alliance, of which I’m a big fan. My ballot would probably be about 95 percent the same.

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