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Buxton Woods Sign
One of the many frogs on Buxton Woods Trail
Say hello to my little friend...
Frog Buxton Woods Trail, Cape Hatteras
He/she/they was a good model.
Entrance to Buxton Woods trail, very magical!
Various signage.
Second frog
Another froggy friend.
Second friendly frog
Buxton Woods Trailway
Another Sign
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse from the entrance.
Keeper's quarters, Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
From a distance
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Close enough?
Miniature Stonehenge (benches) in front of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Entrance sign for Cape Hatteras. This sign was a beacon for senior citizen selfies.
Beach surrounding Cape Hatteras
Cape Hatteras from the beach.
Dead jellyfish washed ashore Cape Hatteras
Things started to get weird with jelly
I don't think you're ready for this jelly...
R.I.P Mr. Jelly
No caption
No cap
Glory, a new chapter in America
Bye Bye
Sunset Cape Hatteras in the horizon
Sunset with Cape Hatteras in the horizon
Entrance to Cape Hatteras Light Station
Sun battle with Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Cape Hatteras Light station
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